Administration and Registration

Registration usually takes place in early February, although it can occur anytime during the school year. Registration is done online. Please go to the following link to register:

When you come to finalize registration for your child for kindergarten, please bring:

    • Your child's original Canadian Birth Certificate or other proof of age, (ie: passport, original immigration papers)

    • Your child's original baptismal certificate

    • Your child's immunization record

    • Confirmation of permanent address

    • Confirmation of Separate School Property Tax Support

    • Your babysitter or daycare's name and address, if your child will spend part of the day in their care

    • Documentation about your child's needs, if applicable, such as special education reports

    • Details about your child's medical conditions and/or medication requirements, such as allergic reactions or physical disabilities

View our Handbook for Parents of Kindergarten Students (PDF) for more details or visit the Board website.